> AI-generated song sparks panic in music industryAI创作歌曲火出圈 引发音乐行业恐慌


TikTok app logo is seen in this illustration taken on Aug 22, 2022. [Photo/Agencies]

The viral song “Heart on My Sleeve,” released last week by TikTok user Ghostwriter977 but made popular because of its purported use of AI-generated vocals mimicking superstars Drake and The Weeknd, has caused quite a stir.四月底,一首由TikTok用户@Ghostwriter977 发布的歌曲《Heart On My Sleeve》引起了相当大的轰动。因为它据称是通过用知名说唱歌手“公鸭”Drake和R&B歌手“盆栽”The Weeknd 的声音对AI模型进行了训练,人工智能生成的声音。

It comes on the heels of an AI-generated Rihanna singing “Cuff It” and an AI Kendrick Lamar rapping Ye’s “Off the Grid”. 此前,AI生成的蕾哈娜翻唱了《Cuff It》,AI肯德里克•拉马尔演唱了《Off the Grid》。

Each release is followed by a great deal of conversation, with some listeners proclaiming a new frontier in music technology and others astonished by the seemingly uncanny likeness to the source material.对于这些人工智能的生成内容,大家看法不一,一些人认为是音乐技术的新先锋,另一些人则惊讶于AI与真人演唱歌曲的相似程度。

The song sparked a panic within the music industry in a way none of the previous AI-generated tracks did, perhaps because of its popularity. 这首最新的AI歌曲《Heart On My Sleeve》可能由于太受欢迎,甚至火出了圈,在音乐行业引发了恐慌。

It received more than 15 million views on TikTok, 600,000 streams on Spotify and 275,000 views on YouTube.它在TikTok上的播放量超过1500万次,在音乐平台Spotify上的播放量超过60万次。YouTube上的完整版播放超27.5万次。

The BBC estimated the song earned at least $1,888 from Spotify alone; Billboard estimated the song may have earned $9,400 globally across all platforms.据英国广播公司估计,这首歌仅从音乐平台Spotify上就赚了至少1888美元。美国公告牌网则估计,这首歌在全球所有平台的总收入可能达到9400美元。

The reason those numbers aren’t higher is “Heart on My Sleeve” has since been removed from all digital service providers following a complaint by Universal Music Group, who released a statement condemning “infringing content created with generative AI.”环球音乐集团发表声明严厉谴责这首歌是“用生成式人工智能创作的侵权内容。之后,《Heart On My Sleeve》已经从所有数字服务提供商中被删除。

But attempting to crack down on AI-generated music may pose a unique challenge. 但试图打击人工智能生成的音乐可能会遇到独特的挑战。

The legal landscape for AI work remains unclear, the tools to create it are widely accessible and social media makes it easier than ever to distribute it. AI作品的法律环境仍不明朗,创造这些AI作品的工具很容易获得,社交媒体也让传播这些内容变得比以往任何时候都容易。

Although the entertainment industry has seen these issues coming, regulations are lagging behind the rapid pace of AI development.尽管娱乐行业已经看到了这些问题的到来,但监管却落后于AI飞速发展的步伐。

> Natural glass discovered in lunar samples月球上也有玻璃!嫦娥五号月壤中发现天然玻璃纤维

Samples brought back by the Chang"e 5 mission. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Chinese scientists have discovered multiple types of glass material in lunar samples retrieved by the Chang"e-5 mission, including natural fiberglass which has been found for the first time and could provide important support for future lunar base construction, according to the Institute of Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.据中科院物理研究所消息,我国科研人员在嫦娥五号月壤样品中发现了多种类型的月球玻璃物质,其中包括首次发现的天然玻璃纤维,这可能为未来的月球基地建设提供重要支持。

The material, which includes spherical, ellipsoidal and dumbbell-shaped glass beads as well as colloidal items with a porous structure and sputtering material in fluid form, have also been found.此外,还发现了球状、椭球状、哑铃状等形状的玻璃珠,以及气孔构造的胶结质和流体形态的溅射物。

By analyzing the morphology, composition, microstructure and formation of the material, which originated from mineral melting and rapid cooling caused by meteorite impacts on the lunar surface, researchers found there were multiple ways the material was formed.通过分析嫦娥五号月壤样品中玻璃物质的形态、成分、微观结构和形成机制。研究人员发现,玻璃材料的形成在月球表面有多种过渡方式,这些玻璃材料来源于频繁的陨石撞击造成的矿物熔化和快速冷却。

The glass with a higher length-to-diameter ratio was formed under lower temperatures and speed when a meteorite impacted the lunar surface, reflecting milder impact events compared with the formation of glass beads which have a lower length-to-diameter ratio.陨石撞击月球表面时,在较低的温度和速度下形成了长径比较高的天然玻璃纤维,与具有较低长径比的玻璃珠的形成相比,这反映了月球表面较为温和的微撞击事件。

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